Another year has come with more resolutions unlike the previous years!I can assure that I'm planning myself to change a lot!loll...But I tell you it's a loyal decision! ! I even marveled at the abrupt changes in me! I've started learning VEENA and planning to learn VIOLIN as well..Then I've decided to go for higher studies so that I can amend my career to a great run! Oh yeah! I'll be preparing for GRE and as a part of it I have put on a new habit !Started READING BOOKS, one of my dreams come TRUE ! Yipe!But this is not for the first time I'm trying to read a book.I've tried many a times before but sadly I couldn't finish reading a single one!:( Hope it won't be the same this time..Started with CRISIS by ROBIN COOK!I hope this 2009 is going to be a special year for me! I'm 21 now ! Crucial time for a girl ;-) !
Now then its time to say Good bye 2008! A year which has come across so many new good-bad experiences in life! I've gone through most of the faces in life starting from new friends( last managed to get a couple of friends at college from my batch mates ,seniors,juniors...!Some went good and stay still and some others were an err in life !), Outings, Dance (Yeah! A choreography done by me and my friends which turned out to be a success and moreover I've designed our very own costumes and I proudly proved myself to be a successful DESIGNER ! Many have started copying my design but they got a nice tailor unlike us! :( ! ) , new crazy doings like annoying teachers (Well its not a new thing for me since I used to be the naughtiest among friends from my Kindergarten and been a big trouble to all my friends and teachers!loll...Simply used to enjoy such things at school but never at college! Oh Gawd ! Such kinda Undesirable worries! ), then a secret crush (Somehow the guy managed to get into my crush-list! :D Oh let me add on - When I said CRUSH, I mean it! Well, I don't need to give explanations on it.. Everything is so clear as I see hardly any chance it grows killed it the moment the news spreaded up... :-( A mix of happy-unhappy feeling.),then veena ,higher studies plan,a blog as well :D ! The list goes on and on ... A big Thanks to 2008 for the newer counts !
I'm getting ready to gain a new jump....;-) I wish I won't repeat the same mistakes again in life! Oh! Life would be boring with the same old mistakes and occurrents ! Expecting to hap something very new..... ;-)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ma,U taught me to LOVE others..
U taught me to RESPECT others..
U taught me all the goods things about life...
U give me self-confidence and I wear it with pride
I know u care for me and ur dedicated life for me...
I know U love me more than anything in this world...
But ma dont u feel missing something in our life ??
Yes ma,I miss u and I need u to take care of me ..
And i know we both miss each other a lott...
You dont talk to me nowadays...
Sometimes u dont listen to me...
It hurts to see that u coudnt find time to spare with me..
I know u have spent many sleepless nights to make me sleep..
I know u are there to cry for me and laugh for me...
But ma, do you see me crying now ??
I'm crying for your love,your care,your everything...
You are always busy with your work...
I try to understand the situation that we're in..
And you want me to be happy always...
But I cant be happy without you ...
I made a secure place myself in ur arms..
And I wish I were held tight in ur arms...
But I know you are lazy to keep me with you..
Were I an unwanted child for u ma ??
I know I'm in your thoughts and your love follows me everywhere...
I know you are there to brighten my life..
I love you with all my heart...
I feel a stifling pain inside..
My heart is crying again full of tears...
I know U cant bear to see me crying...
Of all the things I have, ur expression is the most important...
Thence writing these words in rain...
Cant help it mamma !!! :|
U taught me to RESPECT others..
U taught me all the goods things about life...
U give me self-confidence and I wear it with pride
I know u care for me and ur dedicated life for me...
I know U love me more than anything in this world...
But ma dont u feel missing something in our life ??
Yes ma,I miss u and I need u to take care of me ..
And i know we both miss each other a lott...
You dont talk to me nowadays...
Sometimes u dont listen to me...
It hurts to see that u coudnt find time to spare with me..
I know u have spent many sleepless nights to make me sleep..
I know u are there to cry for me and laugh for me...
But ma, do you see me crying now ??
I'm crying for your love,your care,your everything...
You are always busy with your work...
I try to understand the situation that we're in..
And you want me to be happy always...
But I cant be happy without you ...
I made a secure place myself in ur arms..
And I wish I were held tight in ur arms...
But I know you are lazy to keep me with you..
Were I an unwanted child for u ma ??
I know I'm in your thoughts and your love follows me everywhere...
I know you are there to brighten my life..
I love you with all my heart...
I feel a stifling pain inside..
My heart is crying again full of tears...
I know U cant bear to see me crying...
Of all the things I have, ur expression is the most important...
Thence writing these words in rain...
Cant help it mamma !!! :|
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What actually is an attraction ? Does anybody have an explanation for it? Does it mean a mere physical attraction or the attraction to the quality ? Why is it like teenagers are more likely to have such attraction ? And if,why are we attracted to the opposite gender? Of course there are homophiles! But still the former is more natural and common... Certain things can't be explained..That is how the nature and the life is made of !
If I try to call up such attractions or people to whom I get attracted in my life, I might get stunned ! 'Attracted' to many ones till this day with unique specialities! One had a wonderful smile which is my all time weakness .. Another one had a radical character...Another had a good ATTITUDE etc.. :D When I say Attraction, I mean it... just a mere attraction..
One cant slip his/her FIRST affection...and I take it !! I had such first attraction during my 8th grade...Some 'X' .... A tall,fair,cute looking guy!! I don't remember what exactly his name is..ahh!!! Does it matter ?? A name can nothing to do with,neh ... ;) But yes, he was cute and so I was attracted.. lol... A 13 year old kid's fun.. Haven't with me any details of him as an 8th grade girl had hardly any source to run down such details and there weren't any orkuts ...I hardly had talked to him except for 3-4 times asking for some dizzy things..Neither do myself interested in... But sometimes I found him noticing me which turned my focus to the one myself...
Me being me,have some principles in life..The one who doesn't believe falling in pass time love... I at times get irritated for others having such crap relations, letting their parents and dear ones go..but some other times I really miss for not having any LOVE , AFFAIR or whateva you call it..Truism !! I haven't yet fallen in the so called deep love with ... May be I'm less romantic..or is it cuz I give less value to such fantasies? But I fairly liked him and too he...

Donno how many admit this -- Eyes truly got such sorcerous power over life!!
It affects greatly the formation and the nature of human relationships...
We had merely a countably few meetings ,but would never forget to pass messages through the most natural way but without letting others knew what our intention was....That was the most interesting part ! Nobody had a single clue ... Not even my close friends.. Neither did I.. lol.. I was asked to put down the curtain to un-open the stage ..It was high time to wind up everything and we said bye to each other (All these happened in dreams.. Every thing was so surprisingly I met him after 2 years from my 8th grade in a scientific fair competition...I was as if waiting for sucha moment...and I could read from his face the happiness and breathtaking expressions(let it ! A 5 mins talk ...he was merely replying to me ...Sadly he dint ask me a single thing! We said bye for the last time which was the closing phase of an unsuccessful desire - MY FIRST LOVE (?)..! That was the last meet --The End of Something...
I was a kid .. Is it more like a CRUSH at least? No idea ! And of co, I've exaggerated things here to add masala mix..Especially the 'EYE' part... I'd the same vision(Short sight) prob then
If I try to call up such attractions or people to whom I get attracted in my life, I might get stunned ! 'Attracted' to many ones till this day with unique specialities! One had a wonderful smile which is my all time weakness .. Another one had a radical character...Another had a good ATTITUDE etc.. :D When I say Attraction, I mean it... just a mere attraction..
One cant slip his/her FIRST affection...and I take it !! I had such first attraction during my 8th grade...Some 'X' .... A tall,fair,cute looking guy!! I don't remember what exactly his name is..ahh!!! Does it matter ?? A name can nothing to do with,neh ... ;) But yes, he was cute and so I was attracted.. lol... A 13 year old kid's fun.. Haven't with me any details of him as an 8th grade girl had hardly any source to run down such details and there weren't any orkuts ...I hardly had talked to him except for 3-4 times asking for some dizzy things..Neither do myself interested in... But sometimes I found him noticing me which turned my focus to the one myself...
Me being me,have some principles in life..The one who doesn't believe falling in pass time love... I at times get irritated for others having such crap relations, letting their parents and dear ones go..but some other times I really miss for not having any LOVE , AFFAIR or whateva you call it..Truism !! I haven't yet fallen in the so called deep love with ... May be I'm less romantic..or is it cuz I give less value to such fantasies? But I fairly liked him and too he...

Donno how many admit this -- Eyes truly got such sorcerous power over life!!
It affects greatly the formation and the nature of human relationships...
We had merely a countably few meetings ,but would never forget to pass messages through the most natural way but without letting others knew what our intention was....That was the most interesting part ! Nobody had a single clue ... Not even my close friends.. Neither did I.. lol.. I was asked to put down the curtain to un-open the stage ..It was high time to wind up everything and we said bye to each other (All these happened in dreams.. Every thing was so surprisingly I met him after 2 years from my 8th grade in a scientific fair competition...I was as if waiting for sucha moment...and I could read from his face the happiness and breathtaking expressions(let it ! A 5 mins talk ...he was merely replying to me ...Sadly he dint ask me a single thing! We said bye for the last time which was the closing phase of an unsuccessful desire - MY FIRST LOVE (?)..! That was the last meet --The End of Something...
I was a kid .. Is it more like a CRUSH at least? No idea ! And of co, I've exaggerated things here to add masala mix..Especially the 'EYE' part... I'd the same vision(Short sight) prob then
Friday, October 3, 2008
The pond!
The real Mystic!!
Very recently I came to know about a historic pond at trivandrum -- HYMAVATHY POND , a place where a lot of people fall into love and water !!
Experiencing the real life ghostly Hymavathy in a well haunted area...Its a very old story!!but there have been many experienced ones even in this 21c !! speciallly technopark employees who use the technopark back gate road...there have been many articles relating to this pond..Its is a real scray to one like me :D The story is all about a girl who committed suicide earlier in 1960s cuz her parents denied her marriage and killed her lover knowing their relation following she commited suicide in the pond and thereafter the pond is named "Hymavathi pond"...(Thanx to pradeep for these photos :))

One among such spiritual experience....
" I work for a private firm in Technopark. Due to some work yesterday, I was held back and my return home was delayed.
Around 9:30pm, I started from office on my scooter and passed through the back entrance road (Karyavatom - Thripadapuram road). I chose this road b’cos it was recently tarred and was a better and smoother road and I was afraid of taking the Kazhakootam road due to fear of hooligan activities that had occured recently.
As soon as I passed out of the back entrance, a jeep hurried towards me from the opposite side and applied brakes suddenly. Luckily I could maintain my balance and was not thrown out from my scooty.
When I crossed the first hump on the road, the current went out and it was completely dark. There were no lights from the nearby houses and the silence coupled with the cloudy atmosphere added to the fiery night. The little light in my scooty helped me propel to my target. I accelerated my vehicle. Suddenly I noticed something moving in front of me some few meters away, somewhere near to the right turn in the road. I applied the brakes of my vehicle as it turned out to be a completely strange thing. It had the height of 2 persons mounted on each other and was fatter than a normal person. A dark blanket covered the whole ‘thing’ and it was moving (floating) towards the University road. As soon as the thing went out of sight, I rushed away on my vehicle with little life in my body..."
Kariavattom roadway ...

Many have different experiences ..but everytime they see the same gigantic figure lined as above..Now have a close look at the pic...Chill out... lol...
But we cant neglect such cuts ..Some articles admit this scary creatures and there are some scientific reasons for this...It can be seen only when the vibrations of such creatures interfere with that of human beings... Only then one can feel their presence ! They may not appear all the time..But needs to hold all necessery environments!! If we believe in energy and science then we should take this... There are some negative energy existing in nature..And this is a kinda one..But,these creatures cannot do any harm to anybody as they haven’t any power to attack the living ones...They can be seen just as floating bodies or sometimes they may be dancing fogs.. ;)
Should 'I' admit this? I have no clue !!
but IT IS really SCARY !
Very recently I came to know about a historic pond at trivandrum -- HYMAVATHY POND , a place where a lot of people fall into love and water !!
Experiencing the real life ghostly Hymavathy in a well haunted area...Its a very old story!!but there have been many experienced ones even in this 21c !! speciallly technopark employees who use the technopark back gate road...there have been many articles relating to this pond..Its is a real scray to one like me :D The story is all about a girl who committed suicide earlier in 1960s cuz her parents denied her marriage and killed her lover knowing their relation following she commited suicide in the pond and thereafter the pond is named "Hymavathi pond"...(Thanx to pradeep for these photos :))

One among such spiritual experience....
" I work for a private firm in Technopark. Due to some work yesterday, I was held back and my return home was delayed.
Around 9:30pm, I started from office on my scooter and passed through the back entrance road (Karyavatom - Thripadapuram road). I chose this road b’cos it was recently tarred and was a better and smoother road and I was afraid of taking the Kazhakootam road due to fear of hooligan activities that had occured recently.
As soon as I passed out of the back entrance, a jeep hurried towards me from the opposite side and applied brakes suddenly. Luckily I could maintain my balance and was not thrown out from my scooty.
When I crossed the first hump on the road, the current went out and it was completely dark. There were no lights from the nearby houses and the silence coupled with the cloudy atmosphere added to the fiery night. The little light in my scooty helped me propel to my target. I accelerated my vehicle. Suddenly I noticed something moving in front of me some few meters away, somewhere near to the right turn in the road. I applied the brakes of my vehicle as it turned out to be a completely strange thing. It had the height of 2 persons mounted on each other and was fatter than a normal person. A dark blanket covered the whole ‘thing’ and it was moving (floating) towards the University road. As soon as the thing went out of sight, I rushed away on my vehicle with little life in my body..."
Kariavattom roadway ...

Many have different experiences ..but everytime they see the same gigantic figure lined as above..Now have a close look at the pic...Chill out... lol...
But we cant neglect such cuts ..Some articles admit this scary creatures and there are some scientific reasons for this...It can be seen only when the vibrations of such creatures interfere with that of human beings... Only then one can feel their presence ! They may not appear all the time..But needs to hold all necessery environments!! If we believe in energy and science then we should take this... There are some negative energy existing in nature..And this is a kinda one..But,these creatures cannot do any harm to anybody as they haven’t any power to attack the living ones...They can be seen just as floating bodies or sometimes they may be dancing fogs.. ;)
Should 'I' admit this? I have no clue !!
but IT IS really SCARY !
Friday, September 26, 2008
A feeling...
Deep inside my heart...
My thirsty heart awaiting for ur love...
Waiting like mad for the classics of love...
Ohh My Heart fell in love with you...
I wasn't planning on falling in love...
Or perhaps ur love for someone awakened the feelings inside me...
Secretly ,My Love deepens ....
I dont want to be your heavy burden in life...
I dont ask you to love me..
But I cherish that hope in my heart...
I will keep my eyes from shining when they see you...
But sometimes my spying eyes cared for your attention..
But I need an explanation for what my heart says...
I know my love for you deepens as the days passes...
Words fail when I try to express my feelings for you...
But I don't have much time to waste on you ...
For my own sanity, I need to close the phase
And walk away...
I cant be in true love ....
But I'm waiting for you ...
Waiting for the day you come for me....
Hoping to get the beats of love.... ;)
Certain things would touch our heart and may sometimes end up with creative thoughts..And this is a kinda such evolution.. I can't point a special someone as I lack it !!I know My heart is pure as a candle light but I call my mind a complicated one!! This time thanks to one particular person whose aspiration turned out to be my debut commital to writing...IMAGINATION as it is... ;-)
Deep inside my heart...
My thirsty heart awaiting for ur love...
Waiting like mad for the classics of love...
Ohh My Heart fell in love with you...
I wasn't planning on falling in love...
Or perhaps ur love for someone awakened the feelings inside me...
Secretly ,My Love deepens ....
I dont want to be your heavy burden in life...
I dont ask you to love me..
But I cherish that hope in my heart...
I will keep my eyes from shining when they see you...
But sometimes my spying eyes cared for your attention..
But I need an explanation for what my heart says...
I know my love for you deepens as the days passes...
Words fail when I try to express my feelings for you...
But I don't have much time to waste on you ...
For my own sanity, I need to close the phase
And walk away...
I cant be in true love ....
But I'm waiting for you ...
Waiting for the day you come for me....
Hoping to get the beats of love.... ;)
Certain things would touch our heart and may sometimes end up with creative thoughts..And this is a kinda such evolution.. I can't point a special someone as I lack it !!I know My heart is pure as a candle light but I call my mind a complicated one!! This time thanks to one particular person whose aspiration turned out to be my debut commital to writing...IMAGINATION as it is... ;-)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Poetic ....
Another day gonna end ...but somebody wanted to make it in a more special way and gifted ~~ A poetic or musical penning ....
Flowin r TEar$ Of BLooD
From a BrokEn HEarT...
But $T!LL...
ThE FLowEr !$ 4 U Ma SwEET HEarT...
Roses were red...
But they all went dead...
Back to square one again…
Aftermath of the the lost paradise,
Goes back to cold heartedness…
Fell Down Deep in the Abyss…
Felled not by foe but by fate…
Back to where it all began….
But still the tiny flicker of hope,
Remains in ma heart…
Like ma name suggests…
A cursed soul that I am,
With all the Luck in Life…
Except when it matters the most…
Except when it mattered the most…
The “Paradise is Lost” for The COUNT…
I Call It " QUITS "
actually i dnno why i'm asked to read this composition ...may be he wanted to show his poetic skill ...lolll....But Marvellous!!
Flowin r TEar$ Of BLooD
From a BrokEn HEarT...
But $T!LL...
ThE FLowEr !$ 4 U Ma SwEET HEarT...
Roses were red...
But they all went dead...
Back to square one again…
Aftermath of the the lost paradise,
Goes back to cold heartedness…
Fell Down Deep in the Abyss…
Felled not by foe but by fate…
Back to where it all began….
But still the tiny flicker of hope,
Remains in ma heart…
Like ma name suggests…
A cursed soul that I am,
With all the Luck in Life…
Except when it matters the most…
Except when it mattered the most…
The “Paradise is Lost” for The COUNT…
I Call It " QUITS "
actually i dnno why i'm asked to read this composition ...may be he wanted to show his poetic skill ...lolll....But Marvellous!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Industrial trip...
Yeh guyss...we visited Trivandrum TECHNO PARK as a part of Industrial was another normal Visit with presentations and stuffs the same as most companies follow !! This was INFOCEANS.... still i lack the details of the company...No no...wasnt a boring session..But being an impatient one, got irritated at times as they started the ppt by 11 and made us wait for a loong 1 hour and most of us started sleeping by the time.. and others throwing gems on a pair... ;)
but once the SHOW has begun,v started listening ... Sir challenged us to write a program in C which prints itself ..but without FILES!!!I would probably find the solution for it...Thanks to GOOGLE and other engines...The talk ended by 1.30 in the afternun and was really impressive couldnt listen more for i was too hungry... ^_^
and then came our fav luncheon :D
We have been to technopark for the first time..probably we would be searching for a good food court there and the sir led us to 7th floor...i dint waste time on hearing his conversation but started pinging my sis over phone...and thank god she was working in the same building...we had a delicious luncheon....veg biriyani+ icecreamzzz + blackforest + choco vannilla dip....yummy!!!
OMG!! forgot to tell u something..we have met sooooo many seniors and even our old teachers there..yeh i mean SCTians...and one senior even remarked something on it ~~ "Many SCTians around.... :O "
well we wernt the expected ones had too see many curious faces!! lol...even i were dismayed at times on seeing some familiar old faces....sigh...
I dont hav much to tell about the afternun session...Another sir came in..He tried atmost to hear him...uuufff!!! I tried hard but i think he understood as we cant fool the HR persons!!!They are highly intellectual ones !! lol...He teached us how to create a webpage using WSS (Windows Sharepoint Services !!) ...The idea was totally a new one!!but still cant bear the whole longgg session...Sorry Sir coudnt listen much!!
They wound up the session by 4.30 ...The most likely thing was the coffee they shared !! Strooong coffee i say!!i loved it ...had 3 ...2 in the morn (thanxx to shreya for the extra 1 :D) and 1 afternoon..( 3=2+1 ) ^_^ i realised something about my seniors locutions...~~ "u would noe the value of ur college only once u get out of it and its gr88 being a part of college"....i have no clue about how me gonna manage sucha software sysytem where ppl have to sit in front of a system trying for all sorts of coding ,testing and all blahss...But myself not placed yet ..Can think of it neh...loll...i truly at times think of my old wish!!! PSYCHOLOGY !!
hmmm.....i would have been a good PSYCHIATRIST once !!!but cant think of being a PROGRAMMER !! Neither do i think i can manage with a programmer!!! if god ever gives me a chance to select my partner..S/w souls are least preferred!! :D.....
but once the SHOW has begun,v started listening ... Sir challenged us to write a program in C which prints itself ..but without FILES!!!I would probably find the solution for it...Thanks to GOOGLE and other engines...The talk ended by 1.30 in the afternun and was really impressive couldnt listen more for i was too hungry... ^_^
and then came our fav luncheon :D
We have been to technopark for the first time..probably we would be searching for a good food court there and the sir led us to 7th floor...i dint waste time on hearing his conversation but started pinging my sis over phone...and thank god she was working in the same building...we had a delicious luncheon....veg biriyani+ icecreamzzz + blackforest + choco vannilla dip....yummy!!!
OMG!! forgot to tell u something..we have met sooooo many seniors and even our old teachers there..yeh i mean SCTians...and one senior even remarked something on it ~~ "Many SCTians around.... :O "
well we wernt the expected ones had too see many curious faces!! lol...even i were dismayed at times on seeing some familiar old faces....sigh...
I dont hav much to tell about the afternun session...Another sir came in..He tried atmost to hear him...uuufff!!! I tried hard but i think he understood as we cant fool the HR persons!!!They are highly intellectual ones !! lol...He teached us how to create a webpage using WSS (Windows Sharepoint Services !!) ...The idea was totally a new one!!but still cant bear the whole longgg session...Sorry Sir coudnt listen much!!
They wound up the session by 4.30 ...The most likely thing was the coffee they shared !! Strooong coffee i say!!i loved it ...had 3 ...2 in the morn (thanxx to shreya for the extra 1 :D) and 1 afternoon..( 3=2+1 ) ^_^ i realised something about my seniors locutions...~~ "u would noe the value of ur college only once u get out of it and its gr88 being a part of college"....i have no clue about how me gonna manage sucha software sysytem where ppl have to sit in front of a system trying for all sorts of coding ,testing and all blahss...But myself not placed yet ..Can think of it neh...loll...i truly at times think of my old wish!!! PSYCHOLOGY !!
hmmm.....i would have been a good PSYCHIATRIST once !!!but cant think of being a PROGRAMMER !! Neither do i think i can manage with a programmer!!! if god ever gives me a chance to select my partner..S/w souls are least preferred!! :D.....
Monday, September 15, 2008
A tricky one !!
Recently i came to know about a C program without 'main'
itz so tricky and very interesting....
#include "stdio.h"
#define decode(n,s,u,t) n##t##u##s
#define begin decode(m,n,i,a)
int begin()
printf(" \nhello ");
where ' ## ' --> token pasting operator for concatinating words...
see a tricky one rite..
itz so tricky and very interesting....
#include "stdio.h"
#define decode(n,s,u,t) n##t##u##s
#define begin decode(m,n,i,a)
int begin()
printf(" \nhello ");
where ' ## ' --> token pasting operator for concatinating words...
see a tricky one rite..
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Hidden Mystic !!
Today eve while I was(as usual) sitting nothing but irritating saawan and playing with him,my mobile starts pinging.A message from a stranger (alien I should call...) !
"Never be sad if anyone doesnt recognize your worth.Its there loss and your gain bcoz people who dont appreciate your true worth dont deserve to know u..."
Yet do I marvel??
I have been seriously in such kinda troubles for last few days and still...He {Well jez for my sake..the one who sent be a man rather than a woman... ;-) } might have misplaced my number for any other one.Or is it somebody who really cares me??Sometimes its good to have such belief ~~ Somebody somewhere is awaiting !!!When am I going to bump the one then ? Waiting waiting.... :-P
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I-Me-Myself !!
I or who ??
Perhaps many of us might have thought of such a query atleast for once in life time..
This is life.. Well we need to go deep into
I do most often!!!Am I a passionate one? brave ?loyal? tenacious?I have no clue !! Dint mean I'm trying to resolve it...But certain words would touch our heart..This is one of a kind.....
"You can say whatever you want as u Please..
But I am What I am
I've always been real and true!
And that is something that you can never be...."
But I am What I am
I've always been real and true!
And that is something that you can never be...."
This is life.. Well we need to go deep into
A trivial blah!
Our semester-break(or play-days) started. . . I have nothing to do other than feel terribly bored and lazy which made me think of something doable-- The root of The-Positivist-Tribune . . . Hope it will be highly beneficial in near future ! At least I didn't go waste time outta blabbing out with someone.. After all, blogs are meant to be the second crapiest thing in the world , the first being self. . blah blahs! lol. . .
Our semester-break(or play-days) started. . . I have nothing to do other than feel terribly bored and lazy which made me think of something doable-- The root of The-Positivist-Tribune . . . Hope it will be highly beneficial in near future ! At least I didn't go waste time outta blabbing out with someone.. After all, blogs are meant to be the second crapiest thing in the world , the first being self. . blah blahs! lol. . .
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