And I wished my friends all good luck:

'May god showers you more pesky friends this year' ( lol.. Mr. Annoyer from my workplace.. He thinks I'm good at annoying ppl and so I named him.. doh! )
'May god showers you more Rakhi-s this year' (My class chick! Back to class hours.. Was a great pleasure teasing her especially when it was a strict class... Strict class in the sense, we were not supposed to talk, make fun, play tricks, pass chits, feed snacks, switch seats, pencil sketch, do assignments... The strict class wanted us listen to those splendid fantabulous words that were flowing out from the stuffed cave.. Phew! She shouldn't have laughed when the lecturer was wearing down the feeling in us (as if he was guiding the most beautiful lessons of life ).. I wouldn't have thrown out of bench the very next minute which happened every 3 days a week tho' I hadn't any part in her expressing her mirth.. I was a poor soul and I could only turn back and smile at her.. I could only be a mother of
'May god bless you and help you find more troubles this year..' (This one hasn’t reasons but his attitude says : 'Do not disturb me. Already disturbed!' Sigh )
'May god showers you more gfs this year' (To my so called lil bro.. I'm worried if he could manage so many buffs.. He’s already trapped!)
'May god showers you all good luck and a position where you can meet more gals..' (Another colleague. He feels sorry for he did fail to get into a gals bay.. lol..)
'Get lost '-- (That was another New year wish.. I couldn't help it!)
'May god Bless 'ME' '! (To a few friends...)
My first day 2010 turned so lazy! Sleeping all day long.. I could have done some absolute crap, but the laziness in me has already eaten me up and I was helpless as a child wanting to be at home when he/she is asked to spend his/her day at play school.. The beginning is not so great, in fact two of my colleagues left our workplace in first 5 days.. Sob sob! Another reason could be me struggling to get back to my best friend.. She left to her working place without even spending with me a single day.. My laziness was again a reason.. I'm worried if murdering one crazy stuff is so easy if exercising laziness is an automatic event.. Got up at 3 AM in the morning, sleepless soul needing a reason for a natural state of rest causing the conscious mind freeeeze.. I'd love to explain the reason to myself, but lack of reasoning power is another major reason..
I wanted to mark everyday rich.. But my laziness has buried everything..